Osteocondrose is the degenerative diseases-degenerative diseases that defeat the tissues of the spinal column, which leads to a change in the manner and to eliminate, intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, and articular surfaces. Commonly, degenerative processes mainly affect the bones and joints. This is a disease that is considered to be one of the most common causes of lower back pain.
In the majority of cases, the diagnosis of a degenerative disease of the disc rests on the lumbar spine. Statistics in the natural, because it's the vertebral column it is in and of itself, even with the burden of the whole of the upper part of the body. When osteocondrose occurs, the displacement of the vertebrae, and, as a result, they can develop intervertebral disc hernia, or tightening of the blood vessels and nerve endings. Osteocondrose it is a very painful disease, that is, a patient a lot of discomfort, and it responds poorly to treatment.

Types of degenerative disc disease and its stage of development
There are four different types of degenerative disc disease. The disease is divided into the groups according to the location:
- osteocondrose of the lumbar spine;
- osteocondrose of the cervical spine;
- osteocondrose the thoracic spine;
- the common osteocondrose the defeat of the two or more of the departments of the vertebral column.
The explanation for the location of the degenerative disc disease that is very simple to do – the disease will develop into one of the offices, which are the most pressure and have a high mobility.
The disease develops in stages, moving from local symptoms to joint manifestations. The stage of development of degenerative disc disease are the following:
- The instability of vertebrae, which is caused by the violation, the location of the intervertebral disc. At this stage, the patient feels a discomfort when it moves, thus affecting the affected in the disease, the u.s. department of the vertebral column. At this stage, the degenerative disc disease is a spinal column that is very susceptible to injury.
- The destruction of the fibrous rings, discs, intervertebral cleft is reduced in size.
- The stage is characterized by the discontinuity of the fibrous ring, and the protrusion of one or more of the cores of the discs. It appears the intervertebral hernia, and in order to the line of the spinal column.
- Because of the bone-growth movement of the patient is limited, the pain is brought out. Costeniuc the ligaments of the vertebral column.
In any of the phases of a successful treatment for degenerative disc disease is still possible, but the farther away, the more difficult it is to get rid of its effects, and in the final stages of eliminating the disease completely is almost impossible.
The reasons for the development of degenerative disc disease.
A complete list of the causes of degenerative disc disease is too great. This includes not only the individual factors, and combinations thereof, just simply enter the cause of the displacement of the intervertebral disc. But it is the most commonly osteocondrose develops due to these reasons:
- heredity – if one parent has the osteocondrose, the person enters into the at-risk group, since the structure of the intervertebral cartilage, is often transmitted by inheritance.
- the hard work is done, the workload that is beyond the valid health standards for the work.
- long-term residents in the same position, you can also become an important factor. Many times, the osteocondrose it is diagnosed in people of sedentary occupations;
- the various diseases of the back, resulting in the distortion of the spinal column;
- in the beriberi, and hypovitaminosis;
- an injury to the upper back.
- infectious diseases;
- defect in the vertebral column caused by the fast turn of the camera, and the intervertebral discs;
- the natural aging process of the human body;
- with the obesity.
- the constant stress;
- to the forum.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease.
Depending on the space, the location of the disease, the symptoms can vary significantly for a. This is due to the fact that the bulging discs, and the danger of injury to the vessels or affects the nearby tissues and organs, causing a variety of symptoms, which belong only to the time of the spinal cord. Therefore, in considering the symptoms of various types of degenerative disc disease, it should be separated.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease, lumbar-sacral column
Pain in the sacral (or low back) osteocondrose is the most common of the disease. The back serves as a shock absorber when the majority of the movements and twists, man-made. The symptoms of the location of the disease in the us is:
- the pain in the lumbar region, increased by exercise, tight corners, or if it is over a long period of time, in the same position. The pain is usually excruciating, the pain is sharp in the initial stages come very rare, and it can also be a symptom of intervertebral disc herniation;
- the pain in the leg caused by a pinched in the roots of the spinal cord. This is kind of a pain, it may be a different shot, and undesirable, to be distributed on only one side of the hip joint;
- with limited mobility, the patient experiences the pain in the bends, tilts, and seats. If the patient has a comfortable, according to him, the posture, the pain will pass.
If You have one, or similar symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. It is easier to prevent disease than to deal with the consequences.
The diagnosis
For the diagnosis of degenerative disc disease is one of the strands the doctor-the neurologist attributes it to the such studies of the spine, such as:
- the x-ray;
- the ct scan;
- the magnetic resonance imaging.
Such as explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose
In the majority of cases, the treatment of degenerative disc disease that is made, conservative methods. A medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of degenerative disc disease and other diseases of the spine, called the lumbar spine. They are often assigned to various types of treatments, which include the interactions with the tools, therapy, exercise, and other methods. The most common treatment for the treatment of degenerative disc disease:
- physical therapy;
- the different types of massage;
- products;
- the all-wheel drive;
- you choose;
- the chiropractic treatment;
- The therapy for a year.
Let's look at each one of these methods more closely.
Physical therapy
It is often used in the treatment of degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine. When the field of physical therapy that uses laser, ultra sound, and the fluctuations in the magnetic, which can help to reduce the pain. It also helps to neutralize the inflammation. This method makes it possible to reduce the dose of medication needed to suppress the pain. With no side effects.

Massage therapy
Of massage therapy give you the same results, such as physical therapy. However, it cannot be used at the same time, when the disease is in the acute phase. The course of the massage treatment during a period of remission, it has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, relieve pain, and excess tension in the muscles, stimulates the blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. In addition to this, massage therapy can increase the body's resistance to disease, and to normalize the process of metabolism.
But for the massage therapy exist, and some of the indications and contra-indications that may make it is impossible. These include diseases of the skin, open wounds, any inflammation in the body.
The medical treatment of degenerative disc disease in cervical, thoracic, and lumbar departments is done on a regular basis. Generally, the drugs that are used in the period of aggravation of the disease, and its action is directed to the reduction of the symptoms of the pain. Pills, creams, gels, and capsules, are subdivided into types, depending on the scope of the action and the way it looks. There are tools for the recovery of the tissue from the cartilage paste, to increase the circulation of the blood, both the heating effect and other forms, to establish the function of the propulsion system in the body.
Reflexology is often used in conjunction with a massage treatment. It is based on the correct impact on the pressure points and reflex areas. Regardless of the method that this treatment does not apply, but it does serve as a nice complement to the other methods in the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease, and other types of this disease. Reflexology relieves pain, restores the natural charge of the work in the different areas of the spinal cord, but it has a lot of effects in a short time.
Therapy for the year
Therapeutic exercise is considered to be the main form of treatment for degenerative disc disease, regardless of the zone they are located. It is a very effective method, that is, with the help of limited loads on the joints and muscles, strengthen the muscle corset back. The exercises, when the cervix osteocondrose are carried out under the supervision of an instructor or according to its recommendations. The practice of the therapy can be done at any age and with any type of degenerative disease of the disc, with the exception of the cases when the disease is in the acute phase, and it is significant that an injury to the back, which can be more serious. Therapy, exercise help you get rid of the pain in the back, bring it back to the spine, a dorsal fin, the flexibility, and improve your overall well-being of the patient.
The medical fitness when osteocondrose includes a set of exercises, you do not require a great deal of physical strength and managed to slowly build up the muscles of the patient. To run them, either by the patient, in the presence of a physician and with the implementation of additional training requirements. The therapy for a fiscal year refer to these types of techniques.
- mechanotherapy, such exercises are run on the patient, special equipment, and fitness equipment. The method is applicable when a severe injury of the spine osteochondrosis, when the movement of a person who has been injured. This method also helps you if you need to develop a specific set of muscles, and helps improve your posture;
- therapeutic exercise complex in respiratory and exercise, the impact of which is directed to the development of degenerative disc disease. The course is designed individually for each patient, and it helps to improve the mobility of the joints, the muscles, the elasticity of the ligaments, and tendons;
- the path of walking, which consisted of a complex of exercise and physical activity. By using this method, you may be able to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase endurance, and to establish the function of respiration;
- hydro-therapeutic exercise – fitness exercise, which is performed in a swimming pool. It is usually carried out in sea water or in warm water. Exercises to strengthen the muscles, joints, and ligaments, and to enhance the well-being of the patient.
the medical swimming is a good way to treat and prevent various types of degenerative disc disease. It helps to develop the correct posture, and natural to do with the position of the handle from the u.s. department of the vertebral column. Water can even help in the correction of the deformity of the spinal column.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease with help from a fitness
Osteocondrose any kind of treatment method for small loads, and exercises. This approach will not only help you as quickly as possible to get rid of the pain and discomfort, but it also speeds up the process of healing, restoring posture and increases flexibility in the spine. Each and every type of degenerative disease of the disk, suggests that the treatment of the different types of exercises. Depending on the space, the location of the disease, the complex can be targeted to a specific group of a muscle and a bone.
Exercises for the lower back osteocondrose
The most effective treatment for the degenerative disc disease is considered to be an indoor swimming pool. It is also recommended that for the special structure of the exercises on the simulator and the treatment facility. Most of the exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back. One of the most common exercise – "bicycle". He is lying on his back. The patient holds the foot in motion, thereby mimicking the rotation of the pedals of the bicycle. Another popular exercise is based on the folded elbows will need to bend over backwards several times in the chest, and secure the pose for about 4 seconds. There are the exercise is no more than five times that for an apartment complex on the board. The degree to which the loads are to be controlled by the patient. If well-being allows for, and then, gradually, they might be able to grow, and if the patient when performing the exercise, you feel pain, you exercise, stop, or suspend on a temporary basis.
The exercises, when the cervix osteocondrose

In the treatment of degenerative cervical disc disease requires the assignment of the fitness in two different types:
- exercises for the cervical spine, in which the amplitude of the motion is at a minimum. When you do this, the self creates a resistance to the motion of the neck with one hand. Exercises for the overcoming of such resistance, and thus strengthening a group of muscles in the neck;
- in the second part, the methodology assumes that the dynamics of the exercises and the graphs of the curves of the head, and increase joint mobility for the cervical. All of the exercises associated with the strengthening of a neck should be performed at a slow pace, without sudden movements and without heavy loads.
In addition to the exercises that can be assigned to a path, and a therapeutic indoor swimming pool. Both of these methods of treatment for the same, in which a medical fitness – to improve mobility of cervical spine.
Exercise osteocondrose chest
A characteristic feature of the treatment of breast degenerative disc disease is that most of the exercises, when performed in a standing position. The most common variation is allowed in the majority of patients with this diagnosis, mahi's hands and lower body. Stretching before a fitness is performed in a seated position in a chair. During inspiration, the patient places his hand on the back of his head and leaning back against it before pressing the top part of the backrest of the chair. At the expiration of the patient to lower their arms along the body.
A therapeutic exercise maré, rio de janeiro, in the breast, and osteocondrose is progibanija to walk on all fours. Any and all of the types of exercises that must be performed is increased very slowly and without any sudden movements. In patients with osteochondrosis of the chest are also useful in swimming, mechanotherapy, and hydro-kinesiotherapy.
The danger
Osteocondrose, and without proper treatment it leads to complication, such as:
- peripheral dystonia;
- sciatica;
- intervertebral disc herniation;
- the breach of the supply of oxygen to the brain.